April 18, 2023

What's new: Conversational follow-ups

Sup Bot Team

We are excited to unveil our latest, highly requested addition - a chatbot for seamless updates. Our goal with Sup is to provide a smooth and convenient experience for the user.

Previously, Sup would send a notification via Slack or Teams to users added to the follow-up list, prompting them to fill in the details in a dialog box. However, we have now introduced a more efficient method - running asynchronous standups, meetings through chat messages.

Begin with Conversational follow-ups

How to create a Conversational follow-up?

  1. Goto follow-ups from the navbar.
  2. Click on create follow-up.
  3. Choose a template or create your own.
  4. Select the interaction type as conversational.
  5. You can create the follow-up by filling in all the details of the rest of the screen.

How to submit a response?

  1. Once the follow-up is created, the user will be reminded on Slack or Teams to add a response at the time that was set.
  2. If you are not working on that day, click on the option Not working today.
  3. Click Yes to discuss your work progress with Sup.
  4. You can now chat with Sup to submit your responses.
  5. If you want to edit your previous response, you can just edit the response as you would edit your slack message.

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