March 28, 2023

Essentials for a successful internal kick off meeting

Sup Bot Team

Greetings, project managers! We are about to board a ride to the land of successful internal kick off meetings. So, a few things to be noted - Make sure you have a notebook in hand to make a note of the times I mentioned "note" here. Yep, that’ll be all. Ready? Here we go!

What is an internal kick off meeting

So, our first stop - the introduction. An internal project kick off meeting is held within an organization before a project is begun. Since the meeting is an internal event, external stakeholders do not participate in this meeting.

The purpose of the meeting is to get the project team aligned towards the same goals and objectives before the project kicks off. The meeting gives the team an opportunity to ask questions and get clarity before they dive into the project.

Benefits of an internal kick off meeting

Next stop - the benefits. Ryan, round here! We will have plenty of time for selfies! So, coming back, just like the selfies, we will have benefits galore if we kick off a project meeting. Aah, I mean hold a project kick off meeting. Ahem, here they are, Ryaaan!

  • Provides a structure to the project: Holding an internal kick off meeting right before the project begins gives the project team a detailed idea about how the project will move - how many stages are there, what they are and how the entire project will be executed.

    So, just like the way you have an itinerary of our tour, the project team too will have a detailed view about how their project will look like.
  • Ensures everyone is in sync: When the project team knows the what, why, and how of the project from you, they will be aligned and working towards the same goals and objectives. The information you share with them during this meeting will ensure everyone is clear and on the same page.
  • Creates a sense of ownership: The internal kick off meeting requires you to inform your team members of their roles and responsibilities during the meeting. When they become aware of the part they play in the execution and success of the project, they are filled with a sense of commitment and ownership.
  • Clarifies on communication protocols: An internal kick meeting informs the project team of everyone’s roles and responsibilities while also making them clear of the hierarchy that the project team is put into. This ensures everyone in the team knows who is the right person to connect with in need.

How to execute a successful internal kick off meeting

Now, this is going to be a long stop. So, in case anyone wants to grab a snack from their backpack, please do. You have exactly 5 seconds. 5, 4, 3, 2 and Pre-meeting!

These one’s important PMs. You might actually want to note these down since here’s how you will be preparing for the most kick off project meeting ever!

Pre-meeting plan

Get acquainted with the details of the project: First things first, how would you relay all the information to your team if you do not know the deets yourself? It is important that you do your research well so that you know the project from top to bottom, know which member fits in where and are able to answer the questions posed by your team during the meeting.

Create a project charter: A project charter is a document created at the beginning of a project that sets the base from which to start the project off. This document will serve as a detailed guideline for the project and this is why it is important that you take utmost care while preparing it.

A project charter typically comprises: the project title, the project background, the project scope, the project objectives, the project timeline, the project budget, the project stakeholders, the risks and assumptions, the project management approach and the project deliverables.

Determine the Agenda: As with any meeting, it is essential that you determine the agenda. What will the agenda outline? - what the points of discussion will be and in which order. As a project manager, it is your job to ensure that your team is clear on everything. This is why you must also have a Q&A session listed in the agenda.

When your team receives the agenda and goes through it, it is possible that they already have a few questions in mind. To make it easy for all, you can use the form feature from Sup Bot to create a form asking them the doubts they have.

You can send it over Slack or Microsoft teams.

You can ask them what doubts they have about the project being discussed here.

The answers you receive from them will help you better prepare for the Q&A session in the meeting.

Select the right participants: You already know that the internal project kick off meeting comprises only members from within the organization who will be a part of the project. From the detailed research you’ve done, you also know which team member will fit in which role. So, your next step is going to be to send an invitation to them that includes the date, time, duration, location and agenda of the meeting.

Prepare materials & equipment: The internal kick off meeting will require you to be prepared with a few things. So ladies and gentlemen, please make a note of them. Ryan, you can use your phone for a more productive purpose now. The required materials are:

  • A detailed project charter (We already know what it is)
  • Necessary handouts (For any information that you want your team to have for easy reference later)
  • A slide deck (For a smooth run of the meeting)

Running the meeting

Welcome to the D-day, PMs! All is ready and now we are ready to be kicking and boxing. So, how do we proceed? Let’s see.

Introduce the team: The ice-breaker session is an important part of any meeting. So it is to kick off project meetings. Since not all attendees may know each other beforehand, you must get everyone acquainted with each other. This is essential for your team to know to work together, especially so they know who to go to in need.

Discuss the Project Purpose: So, diving into the details of the project. You must inform your team of why exactly we are moving ahead with this project - what is the purpose behind it? How does it align with the company goals and why is this project important to achieve these goals?

A deep understanding of the purpose will serve as a compass for your team to take the right road when in confusion.

Discuss the Project Objective, Plan & Scope: Next, you are required to give information on the following:

  • The project objective - what are the expected achievements from this project?
  • The phases of the project - how is the project going to move? How many phases are there?
  • The timelines of the project - what are the key milestones of the project?
  • The scope of the project - what are the deliverables or the outcome of the project and what are not?

You already have this written down in detail in the Project Charter. You can share the document with your team during the meeting, for easy reference later.

Assign roles & responsibilities: Now, you are done informing the team of the project. Next, we will be assigning responsibilities. Ensuring that your team members are clear about what task falls in their role and doesn’t is important to avoid any conflict or chaos later. This also helps your team to know who is responsible for what and thus who must be approached in case there is a need.

Hold a Q&A Session: This is an important stage for any meeting and more so, for the internal kick off meeting. The open forum where the team can raise their doubts gives them the utmost clarity on the project and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

You can choose to clarify the doubts that your team members have posted before the meeting through the form on Sup first. Then, you can address any other questions that they still might have.


The final leg of the meeting. Ryan, you will soon be free to take your selfies. We only have one, pardon me, two more stops to visit. Come on now, follow up!

Follow up: An important step to end your kick off project meeting is to thank the meeting participants for their valuable time and presence. Since a lot of information has been disseminated during the meeting, you can take this opportunity to distribute any necessary material that you have prepared for easy reference later on.

Tips for a successful internal kick off meeting

Our second last stop - the tips! We know how to go about an internal kick off meeting but we all could do with some tips to make our life easier. What say, PMs?

Before the meeting

Yep, the prep! We just saw what a huge task that is. To make your life easier and ensure that you do not miss anything, you can choose to create a checklist of to-dos. This will make sure you are doing everything that is required. And let’s not forget the relief ticking off a task from the list gives us! sigh

During the meeting

Note this down, extremely important - clarify the line of communication to be followed during the run of the project. Ensure the roles and responsibilities are clearly chalked out and so is the hierarchy of the team. This will help avoid any wastage of time and energy that can arise from the confusion about who to connect with in times of conflict or chaos.

Post the meeting

Done and dusted? Haha, not really. Well, as project managers, ensuring the success of the meeting is as important as holding it. So, how do you ensure success, Ryan? Hmm.

Well, you can create a list of project progress check-in questions that you can use later on to check if everything is going according to the plan discussed in the meeting. You can do so easily by creating a follow-up on Sup.

Your team can answer the questions on the messaging platform for you to check the project progress, as shown below.


Let’s all see what an amazing smile Ryan has! I get it, our final stop is here. All said and done, I hope everyone on board had an amazing ride to the land of successful internal kickoff meetings. We will now be rounding back to our cubicles and planning one ourselves. Let’s kick one off!

Frequently asked questions

1. What is meant by a kick-off meeting?

A kick-off meeting is the initial meeting held before the start of a project to align the entire team towards the same goals. It serves to introduce the project's objectives, scope, and timeline, and to establish clear communication channels and roles. This meeting ensures that everyone involved understands their responsibilities and is prepared to work together effectively from the outset.

2. What is the objective of a kick-off meeting?

The objective of a kick-off meeting is to clearly define the project's goals and objectives, assign roles and responsibilities, and set clear expectations and timelines. It ensures that all team members are aligned, understand their tasks, and are prepared to collaborate effectively to achieve the project's success.

3. Who leads a kick-off meeting?

A kick-off meeting is typically led by the project manager. The project manager clarifies the project structure, outlines the goals and objectives, and ensures that all team members are in sync. They facilitate the discussion to make sure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities and is prepared to work towards the project's success.

4. Who should be at a kick-off meeting?

A kick-off meeting should be attended by the project manager, the project team, and key stakeholders. Additionally, any other relevant individuals who will play a significant role in the project's success or have important insights to contribute should also be present. This ensures that everyone involved has a clear understanding of the project’s goals, structure, and expectations from the start.

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