December 25, 2022

3 Ways To Get Daily Team Updates - Quick, Simple, and Efficient!

Sup Bot Team

A few global management teams have resorted to physically challenging positions such as planks to ensure that progress update meetings don’t get stretched unnecessarily, and we are not exaggerating. You must have seen one of these posts going around on LinkedIn.

And let’s be honest here – No matter what, we all can agree on one thing: Progress update meetings should be SHORT!

Team updates account for a sizable portion of the "work about work" obligations.

While some team members find it tedious, others are reluctant to join progress update meetings, and rightfully so. Because, ask yourself this: What does a typical team updates meeting look like? In Olivia’s voice, Do you get Déjà Vu? You sure do!

So, to rescue you and your team from that black hole, we have here three surefire methods to make your team updates relevant, engaging, and productive -

Make Use of those Google Sheets

Here’s a method that works well if you are handling a small team. Getting team progress and work status updates through individual or group sheets is not only efficient, but it also encourages those introverts on your team to never miss a beat. This technique is especially efficacious when you are managing a remote team. However, there's a catch! This method could be time-consuming and it might require the manager to remind those forgetful Davids often. But hey! You've got a single team of 2-4 members? Use those sheets.

A Daily Call and Keep It Quick

One of the simplest and most convenient ways to keep the entire squad informed is to have a daily conference call at the beginning of the day wherein everybody shares their progress updates.

What makes it functional? A phone call is much more flexible and far less distracting than a traditional meeting because it may be easily made from a workstation or a remote location. It enables people to connect from any work setting or location. Oh! But again, how often do we keep a conference call short?

So, before you spiral, allow us to introduce a method that’s All Three - As Quick as a Sheet Update, as Simple as a Call, and as EFFICIENT as IT GETS !

Asynchronous Daily Slack Standups

A method with no catch, no but, no other shoe to drop!

But first, let’s help you understand what synchronous standups are. (Or, there you go Googling)

The type of stand-up that you are probably most accustomed to is synchronous. A project team will gather at a specified time during the day, put all their tasks on hold, and respond to the following three questions:

  1. What did you do yesterday?
  2. What are you doing today?
  3. Is there anything blocking your work?

And no, nobody can answer "Stand Up" to the last question…Ugghh!

Now, if someone mentions any "blockers" by answering the last question, further discussion will take place, typically in the middle of stand-up.

You still ask, why not Synchronous?

  1. Because of the huge team size or drawn-out responses, standups can take too long.
  2. When employees work remotely, offsite, or in a different timezone, these can be challenging to organize.
  3. No record of the interaction exists for new team members or current team members to refer to in the future.

To cut to the chase, it can be difficult to run regular synchronous standups.

Therefore, hopping back to our 3-in-1 team update method.

So, what are Asynchronous Daily Slack Standups?

Asynchronous standups are non-blocking standups that happen over time. Team members receive messages/notifications to respond to predefined standup questions via Slack at a particular time. And that basically sums it up!

Yes, there is no need for a meeting, a conversation, or well, whatever goes on in those conventional standups. Individuals simply reply to a set of pre-determined questions in their own time.

The Power of Asynchronous Slack Standup Bot - Sup Bot!

Asynchronous Slack standups are usually conducted with the assistance of a tool. So, we got a Complete Slack Standup Tool for you - Sup Bot!

Sup is designed to make work communication a breeze.

  • Sup helps you conduct asynchronous standups and lets you schedule multiple follow-ups.
  • You can keep the default follow-up questions or make your own custom templates.
  • You can also set additional reminders for these follow-up questions.
  • But, that’s not it! With Sup, you can collect extensive timesheet updates and... drumroll, please
  • Know how your team is feeling with the unique mood-tracking feature, which can be used with follow-ups.

Need more benefits? Here are some

  • With Slack bot Sup, you keep a record of every communication exchanged across each channel. As a result, both new and existing employees can access progress updates from all prior standups.
  • There will be no more meeting hijacking or building air castles. No, we really do mean it. You’ll be having team progress standups that are quick and meaningful.
  • No more putting an abrupt stop to the workflow. You do you! This teams update tool works wonders in a remote working environment.
  • No more meeting load! Make room for more important tasks or discussions. When you use Sup, you save time for things that do need your attention.

One last tip to make asynchronous standups even more effective

Never Forget The Blockers! When using a bot such as Sup for asynchronous standups, it becomes imperative to pay attention to follow-up meetings. Every blocker that needs detailed discussions must be addressed in a one-on-one meeting. This also ensures that only relevant individuals are part of the particular discussion and not the whole team.

In a nutshell, don’t call a meeting for something that can be sent over text.

Frequently asked questions

1. How to give a good team update?

Ensure a good team update by giving a summary of your progress with details and specifics. Any vagueness paints an incomprehensible picture of your progress.

2. How do you ask a team for updates?

When asking a team for updates:

  • Keep it professional.
  • Make it self-explanatory but brief.
  • Word it clearly so that there is no room for misinterpretation.

3. How to do a status update?

Start by updating the team on your current tasks, their progress, and any achievements or obstacles you're facing. Keep it clear and concise, avoiding vagueness.

4. How to provide weekly updates?

Mention your achievements for the week, how you are progressing, and if you are facing any obstacles. End with your plans for the next week. You can run manual meetings for this on Slack huddle, or Google meet, or Zoom or more. You could also run async status update using Sup Bot.

5. How to get daily updates from employees?

Use Sup Bot to get daily updates from your employees. Create a follow-up for daily updates, schedule it, and share it to receive daily reports.

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