Many important occasions take place at work. Some days are celebratory, such as a new colleague’s first day, when you welcome them to the team with warm messages. And then there are days that have a sad tinge to them, such as your manager’s farewell day, when it can become difficult to string together words to express your feelings. We have composed 50 farewell messages that you can say to your managers to let them know how you truly feel about them leaving. Check out the list below.
List of farewell messages to your boss
- Hey, [Name]. You manage to make everything look easy, even amid all the chaos. Thanks for being the best manager! Farewell to you. You will be missed.
- Your role as our manager at Draxlr has been an example of great leadership. We’d hoped to see more. I wish you the best for your next chapter.
- I've learned a lot from your guidance. Thanks for always being approachable. We will miss your presence. Farewell to you.
- Your gentle leadership is something I have not experienced under any other manager. Thanks for all your patience and kind feedback. Farewell. You will be remembered.
- Hey, [Name]. It has been great working under your guidance for the past few years. I wish you the best in all your future endeavors.
- The discipline and go-get-it attitude you brought to the team were major contributors to our many team successes. I hope to carry that forward. Farewell, and thanks for being a great manager!
- Your energy is the reason why none of us slept through most meetings. I am envious of the team that will get to experience this energy now. You will be greatly missed.
- Dear [Name], your work ethic has inspired many of us. We hope to continue the same despite your farewell from our team. All the best to you!
- Hey, [Name]. Your mentorship is the reason I have managed to tackle so many situations at work. Thanks for always believing in me. Farewell, and all the best for your journey ahead.
- Dear [Name], your encouraging words have had a major impact on my growth as a contributor to the team. Thank you for all your good counsel. I wish you success in all your future commitments.
- Hey [Name], I was lucky to have you as my first manager. I hope I get the opportunity to work under you again. Farewell.
- Good luck with your new journey, [Name]. It was an enriching experience working under you. I hope your journey ahead is full of success and prosperity.
- Congratulations on your new role! Good wishes for all that you do. We will miss you.
- Looking back, it was an enjoyable work experience with you. I am sure you will bring that sense of comfort and enjoyment to any team that you lead. Farewell, dear boss. Best wishes to you.
- You have been an important part of my growth on the team. It is almost impossible to imagine my journey without all the support you have shown me. I wish you all the best in your professional life.
- Hi, [Name]. It is your last day with us, and I could not be more thankful to you for all that you have done for me. A happy new journey to you!
- You will always have our respect and admiration, dear [name]. I hope your next chapter after the farewell here is full of successes and happy moments.
- Dear [Name], you have always pushed me to do better, and I am thankful to you for that. Wherever you go, I am sure you will always manage to bring out the best in your team. Farewell, and good luck to you!
- Your energy on our team will always remain irreplaceable, [Name]. I wish you greater achievements in your professional journey. Good luck!
- Dear [Name], you have taught me countless lessons in our journey together. From how to navigate challenges at work to balancing work and life, your lessons will always remain with me. Thank you for being the best a manager can be! Farewell, [Name].
- Hi, [Name]. What I have understood from our interactions is that you are a storehouse of knowledge. I will miss the long discussions that we had over lunch. I wish you the best for your future ventures!
- Dear [Name], Your thoughtful and strategic guidance has played an instrumental role in our team's successes year after year. Your leadership will be greatly missed.
- It is both saddening and joyful to know that you are moving to an amazing place like [location of the new company]. I wish you the best in your new role!
- Your expertise in myriad things related to our industry always puts me in awe. I have learned so much from you. Thank you for being both a great teacher and manager. Farewell, dear boss.
- Dear [Name], Your dedication to your work has greatly strengthened our team's efficiency and cohesion. We will miss your presence.
- Hi, [Name]. It is tough parting ways with you, but I send you my warm wishes on your new path. Happy farewell to you.
- It has been a wonderful [n] years of our working relationship. What I have learned under your mentorship over all these years will always remain valuable to me. The team will not be the same without you.
- Hi, [Name]. It feels sad to see you go, but I wish you the best in your current decision. Keep in touch!
- Dear [Name], I am grateful to have started my professional journey under your guidance. I wish this could have lasted longer. However, you have my best wishes for your new chapter! Farewell to you.
- Dear [Name], Your work itself has always been a source of great learning for me. I wish the lessons could have gone longer. I am thankful and wish the best for you!
- Hey, Boss. You have been an inspiration to our entire team of freshmen. It feels bad to know that our time together was so short-lived. I wish you the best and hope that you will remain in touch. Farewell.
- Dear Boss, Mondays were bearable only because of you. Now that you moved ahead on your new path, we will terribly miss the positive energy you brought to work every day. I look forward to staying connected.
- Dear [Name], It's hard to believe you'll no longer be with us, especially since your careful planning has helped us overcome so many challenges. We will miss you.
- Dear [Name], it is difficult to find a manager who treats her teammates as friends. You were one. As hard as it may feel to say goodbye, I hope that you get all that you wish for in your new role. Farewell to you.
- Hi, [Name]. Thank you for training me to be the best teammate I can be. I will cherish our time together. I hope we can stay connected.
- Dear Boss, your passion for your job is what got you and our team so many awards. We will miss the inspiring energy around us. All the best for your future commitments.
- Dear [Name], I remember how you saved us several times from making errors with your watchful eye on everything. The void of your absence will be greatly felt. Farewell, [Name].
- Dear [Name], You always taught me how to aim higher, and therefore, I could not be happier about your new role. I wish you the best!
- Hi, [Name]. You have been a great manager and a great guide. I’m sure your new team will also have the same to say about you. I wish you luck for your next big thing!
- You were a source of tremendous support in my initial years at [Company], and that has continued till today. I wish you didn’t have to leave. I send you my sincere wishes.
- Dear Boss, your mentorship has had a tremendous impact on my professional growth. I aim to get better and honor your hard work. I look forward to staying in touch.
- Hi, [Name]. I am indebted for all that you have done for me. Working under your supervision has been an enriching experience. Your presence will be missed.
- Dear Boss, you have taught us how to be compassionate and kind even while in positions of leadership. I will remember this when I manage a team someday. Farewell to you.
- Farewell to you, dear boss. It has truly been an incredible experience working with you. I wish you success in your future prospects.
- Thank you for being a friend and a manager all-in-one. It is difficult to see you leave. I hope this farewell brings you closer to your ambitions.
- Dear Boss, Working with you for the past few years at Draxlr has made me realize how difficult it is to manage a team and still be the best at your work. But you made it look so easy. This farewell is hard, but I wish you the best!
- Dear [Name], I have had great experiences working as a part of your team, and I’m sure your new team will have the same. Farewell, and good luck to you!
- Dear [Name], you were the first manager who spent so much time ensuring that I always felt supported whenever I needed to. Your kindness towards your team is something every one of us cherishes and is going to miss. Farewell to you.
- Working with you has been nothing short of a dream for me. Any team is lucky to have you as their leader. It feels difficult to bid you farewell, but I wish you luck in all your upcoming pursuits.
- I am thankful to you for guiding me through everything at work for these past [n] years. I wish you well for your career. Farewell, dear boss.
You can also take a look at our templates of sick leave emails.
Elevate your farewells with Sup Bot.
What starts must also end. It is the same for our journeys with our colleagues. However, there are also some goods that come out of our colleagues’ departure. For example, their opinions and feedback about the company they have worked for for so many years can be collected through the exit interviews. Simplify this task by creating forms on Sup Bot that make it easy to store and retrieve responses. The streamlined process not only gives you greater control over the entire procedure but also saves you tons of time! Make your farewells count now!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is a good farewell message to a boss?
A good farewell message to your boss can be professional or casual, depending on the bond you share with them. It must acknowledge their contributions and express gratitude. In case you want to keep it formal, express your appreciation for their leadership, mention specific skills or lessons you've learned under their guidance, and wish them continued success in their future endeavors. If you wish to make it casual, you can choose to personalize the messages by sharing memories and linking them with the impact they have had on your professional journey.
2. What is the best farewell message for coworkers?
The best farewell message for coworkers must be:
- Warm and positive tone: A warm and genuine farewell message lets the co-worker know that you truly value the relationship you both shared. Positivity in the form of good wishes about their upcoming projects adds a touch of encouragement and support.
- Appreciative of the time spent together: The acknowledgment and recognition of the time you both spent together let the co-worker know that their presence will truly be missed.
- With a personal touch: Sharing of memories makes your message personalized and stand out from the rest of the farewell messages.
3. What do you say when your boss is leaving?
When your boss leaves, you can honor your bond with them by saying a few words that let them know how they have impacted your work in the past years. You can do this using a video message, a text message, or by telling them in person.
Pick from the below appropriate elements to construct a farewell message as per your requirements:
- Congratulations on their new role.
- The qualities they possess that have shaped and impacted your work.
- A highlight of a project's success from the shared past.
- Gratitude for all that they have done for the team.