May 29, 2024

200 funny office jokes to share with co-workers

Abiha, Ameena

A short break is the perfect opportunity to recharge, refocus, and rejuvenate amidst the hustle and bustle of the workday. Plenty of things happen at work anyway. Gossip is good but what is better? A bunch of relatable funny jokes for work! Therefore, we have here for you a number of work jokes that take a dig on everything from meetings to popular companies. Come take a break with us!

1. Funny office jokes - Salary

Now now, salary isn’t something that must be discussed, right? But we can for sure discuss work jokes around salary! Take a look below.

  1. Why did the salary bring a map to the office?
    It was trying to find the pay raise!
  2. What does a competitive salary mean?
    It means your salary will be competing with your bills.
  3. I told my boss he needed to raise my salary because two companies are after me.
    Boss: "What companies are those?"
    Me: "The electricity company and the water company."
  4. How does a nuclear physicist ask for a salary increase?
    Gamma rays.
  5. Jim: I need a raise.
    HR: But you got one only last month.
    Jim: I need another raise so that I can pay for the car I bought to celebrate my last raise.
  6. Why don’t philosophers get salaries?
    They get food for thought.
  7. Who earns his salary without working a single day?
    A night watchman.
  8. Why did the programmer quit his job?
    Because he didn't get arrays (a raise).
  9. On one hand, I get my salary. On the other hand, it goes away.
    I think I am just a payment gateway.
  10. Why did the scarecrow get a promotion?
    Because he was outstanding in his field.
  11. Why do you still work as a mailman despite a low salary?
    It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.
  12. Why did the salary go to school?
    To improve its cents of humor!
  13. Others
    First salary: 100
    Source: Teaching kids
    First salary: 51
    Source: Referred a friend on GPay.
  14. HR: We offer a competitive salary.
    Applicant: How much?
    HR: Don’t worry. It’s competitive. Tell me, what skills do you have?
    Applicant: Oh, I have amazing skills!
    HR: Can you tell me a bit more about them?
    Applicant: Don’t worry. They are amazing.
  15. Physical Trainer: How many hours of cardio do you usually get in a month?
    Jack: I do cardio every day except the first day of the month.
    Physical Trainer: How?
    Jack: I run out of money every day after the payday.
  16. What will happen if the Earth starts rotating 30 times faster?
    We will receive our salaries daily.
  17. Friend: Let’s eat out today.
    Me: No, I’m on a diet.
    Friend: What diet?
    Me: I am on a new diet called 'I have 10 dollars of my salary left till Friday.'
  18. Friend 1: I run out of my salary by the 15th of the month. What do I do?
    Friend 2: Borrow from a pessimist. They’ll never expect it back.
  19. I received a letter saying I would not be given the American Express credit card I'd requested because my salary wasn't substantial enough.
    Guess who I work for.
    American Express.
  20. What's a salary's favorite type of music?
    Anything with a lot of notes!

2. Funny office jokes - Corporate vocabulary

What are office jokes without a few about office vocabulary? They in themselves are sometimes enough to evoke a grimace the moment you hear them. But we found a way to make them sound amusing to you. Check them out below!

  1. Bandwidth:
    Manager - Do you have bandwidth?
    Employee - Yes, Ma’am. I do. Around 50 MBPS.
  2. Cubicle:
    What does an office cubicle eat?
    Staple foods.
  3. Inbox:
    Whenever I feel depressed in life.. I open my email spam inbox.
    I find: 10 banks are giving me easy loans, I have won GBP 10000000 and USD 500000 for unknown reasons and 10 job companies have best jobs for me.
  4. Performance:
    Boss: Do you have ideas to improve the work performance in the office?
    Me: How about a nap room?
  5. Review:
    Why didn’t aliens visit our Solar system yet?
    Because they saw the reviews and it only had one star.
  6. Training:
    Sergeant: I didn’t see you at camouflage training.
    Private: Thank you, sir!
  7. Team work:
    Team work is important.
    It helps to put the blame on someone else.
  8. Tasks:
    How do storms complete tasks?
    With GUSTo.
  9. Spreadsheets:
    I'm not just good at making spreadsheets.
    I Excel at it.
  10. Report:
    A man filed a report to the police that his bag was stolen.
    Upon leaving the man's apartment, the officer found the man's bag at the bottom of the stairwell.
    It was a brief case.
  11. Connect:
    I hate connect-the-dot puzzles.
    That’s where I draw the line.
  12. War room
    Manager: We’ve encountered a bug on the project due tomorrow. The war room has been opened.
    Fresher: Hey, I didn’t know we work for the military too!
  13. Bridge call
    Intern at Google: Hi, can you look into this for me?
    Co-worker: Hey, I’m on the bridge.
    Intern: But I saw you in the office minutes ago. Wait, we also have a bridge in this office?
  14. MoM
    Junior: I have completed the task you assigned me. What should I work on next?
    Manager: Thanks. Please send me the MOM.
    Junior on call: Hey Mom! Boss wants to meet you. Guess he liked my work!
  15. MOD
    CEO to fresher: Where’s the MOD?
    Fresher: In the Excel sheet, Sir.
  16. Circle back
    Why did the circle never worry about losing an argument?
    Because it always knew it could just circle back!
  17. Follow up
    Why did the follow-up email go to therapy?
    Because it had major abandonment issues!
  18. Drawing board
    When the person who invented the drawing board couldn't quite get it right, what did he keep going back to?
    The drawing board.
  19. Quick wins
    Why did the company hire a sprinter?
    Because it heard quick wins were their speciality.
  20. Deadlines
    I love deadlines.
    I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by.

3. Funny office jokes - Meetings

Meetings are the fuel to all companies. They literally drive them. But what can drive you through the day is this list of funny jokes for work about meetings! Read on to share a laugh.

  1. Everyone at home tells me I talk in my sleep.
    I’m skeptical. Nobody at meetings ever mentioned it.
  2. We had a safety meeting at work today.
    They asked me "What steps would you take in the event of a fire?
    "Huge ones" was not the right answer.
  3. Zoom meetings are basically seances with the living.
    Brian, are you there? Make a sound if you can hear us. Is anyone with you? Can you hear us?
  4. I told a joke at a Teams meeting at work today. Nobody laughed.
    Turns out I'm not even remotely funny.
  5. Lion: You’re late. We said to meet at sunset.
    Giraffe: I can still see the sun you midget.
  6. You can learn a lot in meetings. I do, at least.
    Like, did you know you can make a pretty cool S by bending a paper clip once?
  7. What do you call a bunch of employees caught sleeping in a meeting?
    A Dream Team.
  8. We had a mandatory meeting at work today.
    Tory and Amanda weren't even there!
  9. Why did John enter his work meeting with a pan, chicken and a bag of vegetables?
    He thought it was casual fry day.
  10. What do you call a quick video conference?
    A zoom-zoom-zoom Zoom.
  11. How does a manager exercise at the office?
    By "running" meetings.
  12. Why did the manager bring a pencil to the meeting?
    In case they needed to "draw" conclusions.
  13. How did the manager become a chess expert?
    They mastered the art of "board" meetings.
  14. Why don’t cats like online meetings?
    Because there are too many mouses.
  15. Me: This show is boring.
    Boss: Again, this is a Zoom conference!
  16. Why was the meeting like a broken pencil?
    It had no point!
  17. Why was the math book sad at the meeting?
    Because it had too many problems!
  18. Why don't ghosts like meetings?
    Because they have a hard time keeping their spirits up!
  19. Why did the coffee file a police report?
    It got mugged at the meeting!
  20. What do you call a meeting that's gone off-track?
    A "bored" meeting!

4. Funny office jokes - Monday

Monday - that’s one word that can ruin our Sundays! What can we do about it? Not much but we can surely read work jokes around it to make our Mondays bearable! Let’s relax with these jokes below.

  1. What is Monday created for?
    To do all the work that you didn’t do on Friday!
  2. Why did Sunday win the battle against Monday?
    Because Monday is a weekday.
  3. What do you call a person that is happy on a Monday?
  4. Manager - The task is due Monday.
    Employee - Can I get an extension?
    Manager -  No worries. The task is due Monday.xls.
  5. Why does Gordon Ramsay not like WWE on Monday Nights?
    Because it’s RAW!
  6. Boss: Can you work this weekend?
    Employee: Yeah no worries but I'll probably be a bit late as public transport is slow on weekends.
    Boss: What time will you get here?
    Employee: Monday.
  7. Why do odd numbers hate the day after Monday?
    Because it's two's day.
  8. One day on Venus lasts 5,832 hours.
    The same as one Monday on Earth.
  9. What is the shortest corporate horror story?
  10. What’s the most depressing sound on Monday?
    Alarm clocks!
  11. What is the best part about Mondays?
    The end.
  12. What day of the week are demons most tired?
  13. What do you call Monday's without any Zoom meetings?
    Meetless Monday's.
  14. Why was the acid so rude on Monday?
    He was a-mean-o-acid.
  15. What did the cashew say on Monday morning?
    Monday always drives me nuts!
  16. Which day of the week makes werewolves howl?
  17. What is easy on a Monday morning?
    Rolling out of bed.
    What is difficult?
    Getting up off the floor!
  18. What is the best way to describe Monday?
  19. How do cheeses greet each other on Monday mornings?
    Have a goud-a week!
  20. Why was the calendar so nervous on Monday?
    Because it knew it had a big day coming up!

5. Funny office jokes - Remote work

Remote work stories are hilarious. And if they aren’t already enough to talk about during your coffee breaks, we have here a list of funny jokes for work about WFH. Read through while you sip through!

  1. Why did the remote worker stand atop his desk when the manager asked for a volunteer to take meeting notes?
    Because they wanted to 'rise to the occasion' even when working remotely.
  2. What is the anthem of remote workers titled?
    'Can you hear me now?'
  3. Why can heart surgeons exclusively work from home?
    Because home is where the heart is.
  4. I just saw a burglar kicking his door in. I asked “What are you doing ?”
    He said, "Working from home".
  5. Client: “No! This is unacceptable. I want to speak to one of your superiors.”
    Me: "Mom!"
  6. Day 1: This will be fantastic. I get to stay inside and eat toast on a paper towel.
    Day 8: Engages in conversation with a lamp.
  7. Boss: Why are you late for our Zoom meeting?
    Me: You won’t believe the network traffic!
  8. Boss: What is interfering with your enjoyment of working from home?
    Me: Work.
  9. Boss: What are you working on?
    Me: Trying not to aggravate my partner in my 4th month of working from home.
    Boss: Okay I’ll check again with you next week.
  10. How do people in the Navy work from home?
    They play battleship.
  11. Started working from home recently building boats in my attic...
    Sails are through the roof.
  12. Why did the remote worker bring a ladder to the virtual meeting?
    Because they heard it was a "high-level" discussion!
  13. I miss the office so much.
    I printed out my coworker’s LinkedIn photos and placed them around my living room just to feel normal.
  14. My favorite part of working from home?
    The commute from my bed to my desk – it's a real marathon!
  15. Why did the remote worker get locked out of their house?
    Because they kept trying to log in!
  16. Working from home has turned me into a morning person.
    Now I wake up five minutes before my first meeting!
  17. Why did the remote worker break up with their internet connection?
    It was too distant!
  18. What is a virtual invisibility cloak?
    The mute button.
  19. I like to wrap myself in a blanket when I work from home…
    You could say I now work undercover.
  20. The only contribution that I unmute myself in a Zoom meeting for…
    Nothing from my end.


  1. What’s the thing that remote workers hate the most?
    Door knocks!
  2. I like working from home.
    It’s much more comfortable than sleeping in my cubicle.

6. Funny office jokes - Leaves & holidays

Who doesn’t love leaves and holidays? And who doesn't love jokes around leaves and holidays? Not us! Therefore here we present you a list of work jokes to read while you dream about that dream holiday destination!

  1. Why did the computer take a day off?
    Because it needed to refresh!
  2. Why do most employees get sick on work days?
    Because of their weekend immune system.
  3. A tiny bucket asks to leave work early because he's sick.
    His boss looks him over. Alright you can, I notice you are a little pail.
  4. I decided to leave work an hour early today.
    The flight attendants started freaking out when I grabbed my parachute though.
  5. You call the day before a holiday "eve" ; what do you call the day after a holiday?
    In sick.
  6. Me: I can't come in today, I have a wee cough.
    Boss: You have a wee cough?
    Me: Wow, thanks boss, see you next Wednesday!
  7. I took some days off from work to break my personal sleep record.
    Unfortunately my family has not been supportive of my "dreams".
  8. Why don’t photons carry suitcases on vacation?
    They travel light.
  9. I asked my boss, “Can I get two weeks off in December?”
    Boss: It’s May.
    Me: Sorry. May I get two weeks off in December?
  10. Walmart is giving away dead batteries for the holidays.
    Free of charge.
  11. What's a superhero's favourite holiday destination?
    Cape town.
  12. Which national holiday is also an online cooking assistant?
  13. I told my suitcases that there will be no holiday this year....
    I am now dealing with emotional baggage.
  14. Why did the skeleton request a sick leave?
    Because he had a "bone-afide" reason to take a break.
  15. "I have to leave work," I told my boss, "my wife is stuck in a house fire!"
    "But you're a fireman..." he replied.
  16. I’ve been sent on an indefinite leave from my job at the bank today.
    An old lady came in and asked me to check her balance, so I pushed her over.
  17. There is no better vacation than…
    My boss being on vacation.
  18. I asked my boss, “Can I go home early today?”
    Boss: Only if you make up the time.
    Me: Ok. It’s 21:73 p.m.
    Boss: You’re fired.
  19. Me : Can I go home early today?
    Boss: But you were late this morning!
    Me: Yeah, I'd hate being late twice on the same day.
  20. I tried to leave the office early today.
    But then the boss reminded me that I still had 7 more hours to go.

7. Funny office jokes - Job roles

Okay, all job roles are equally important. And all job roles are equally funny if you really drill down their work. Don’t believe us? Check out the funny jokes for work below!

  1. Why does an accountant never require therapy?
    Because they know how to ‘balance’ things out.
  2. Why do programmers prefer dark mode?
    Because light attracts bugs.
  3. A car breaks down in the middle of the road
    Computer engineer -  I've seen this a million times before, just shut all the windows and restart it!
  4. Why do Java developers wear glasses?
    Because they don't C#.
  5. Auto mechanic: How’s work?
    Actor: I got the part.
    Auto mechanic: Wow, same!
  6. What’s the difference between a spider and a web designer?
    The spider likes bugs on their web.
  7. Why do librarians hate tennis?
    Too much racket.
  8. Teacher: Give me a sentence which includes the words, Defence, Defeat, Detail.
    Charlie: When a horse jumps over defense, defeat goes first and then detail.
  9. Why was the doctor always calm?
    Because he had a lot of patients.
  10. Why don’t astronomers like Orion’s Belt?
    They view it as a waist of space.
  11. What do you call an astronomer with the stomach flu?
    A gastrophysicist.
  12. I'm a great bookkeeper.
    I've had to take out my simcard to stop the phone calls asking for their books back.
  13. What do good doctors and bad doctors have in common?
    Their patients don't come back.
  14. Why did the philosophy professor quit his job when his pencil broke?
    Because it was pointless.
  15. The movie Speed didn't have a director...
    Because if Speed had direction, it would have been called Velocity.
  16. Why was the Movie Director arrested?
    He made a huge scene in public.
  17. I asked an electrician to fix the electricity in my house...
    He Re-fused.
  18. Why was the landlord seeing a psychiatrist?
    He had developed an apartment complex.
  19. Why did the bodybuilder buy expired protein powder?
    There was no other whey.
  20. How did the dentist become a brain surgeon?
    The drill slipped.

8. Funny office jokes - Job Interviews

Job interviews are a serious affair. There’s nothing humorous about it. Or is there? Gather around with your work buddies and read these work jokes to find out!

  1. HR: Explain the gap in your resume.
    Phil: I died.
  2. Interviewer: Do you have any questions about the job that you are applying for?
    Applicant: How much is the salary?
    Interviewer: Initially $40,000. Later it could go up to $80,000.
    Applicant: I will start later then.
  3. Interviewer: Do you have any experience?
    Applicant: Yes, this is my 20th interview.
  4. Interviewer: How do you explain this 4-year gap on your resume?
    Applicant: That’s when I went to Yale.
    Interviewer: That’s impressive. You are hired.
    Applicant: Thanks. I really needed this Yob.
  5. Interviewer: What’s your name?
    Applicant: Hired.
    Interviewer: You’re Hired?
    Applicant: Thanks! When do I join?
  6. Interviewer: How many years were you employed in your last role?
    Applicant: I would say my biggest weakness is listening.
  7. Interviewer: What's your worst quality?
    Applicant: Honesty.
    Interviewer: I don't think honesty is a bad trait.
    Applicant: I don’t care what you think.
  8. Interviewer: We’re looking for someone responsible.
    Applicant: Well, I’m your man. In my last job, they said I was responsible whenever anything went wrong.
  9. Interviewer: How good are you with Microsoft PowerPoint?
    Applicant: I Excel at it.
    Interviewer: Did you just make a Microsoft Office pun?
    Applicant: Word.
  10. Interviewer: Why do you expect such a high salary when you have no experience in this field?
    Applicant: Well, the job is much harder when you don’t know what you’re doing.
  11. Interviewer: What drives you?
    Applicant: The bus mostly.
    Interviewer: I mean what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?
    Applicant: Missing the bus.
  12. Interviewer: Why did you quit your job at Nike?
    Applicant: I just couldn’t do it anymore.
  13. Interviewer: Can you handle a variety of responsibilities?
    Applicant: I should be able to. I’ve had ten different jobs in four months.
  14. Interviewer: How would you describe yourself?
    Applicant: Verbally, but I’ve also prepared a dance.
  15. Interviewer: So what makes you right for this job role of a hacker?
    Hacker: I just hacked your computer and invited myself to this interview.
  16. Interviewer: Tell us a little something about yourself.
    Applicant: I’d rather not, I really want this job.
  17. Interviewer: So tell me about your last job.
    Applicant: During my work at a bakery, I spearheaded a lot of different rolls.
  18. I went for a job interview as a blacksmith yesterday. He said, "Have you ever shoed a horse?"
    I said, "No, but I've told a donkey to get out once."
  19. Interviewer: What’s your biggest weakness?
    Applicant: I don’t know when to quit.
    Interviewer:  You’re hired.
    Applicant: I quit.
  20. Interviewer: Your resume shows 20 years as Senior Executive at the CIA.
    Applicant: Yes, and they are instructed to neutralize anyone who tries to question it.

9. Funny office jokes - Popular Companies

All companies have their lesser known stories just as all of them have the potential to be really funny office jokes. Think of one big company and see if the list below has a joke about it!

  1. Why did the employee resign from his job at L’oreal?
    Because he thought he wasn’t worth it.
  2. Where do Volkswagens go when they retire?
    The Old Volks Home.
  3. Did you hear about Gucci's new baby line of clothing?
    It's called "Gucci Gucci Goo”.
  4. Why did Apple drop plans to make cars?
    Because it realized that cars require windows.
  5. What is Samsung CEO's favorite movie?
    Guardians of the Galaxy.
  6. What do you call 2 monkeys that share an Amazon account?
    Prime mates.
  7. Why doesn't George R. R. Martin use Twitter?
    He killed all 140 characters.
  8. Why was the bodybuilder banned from Walmart?
    Because he was shoplifting.
  9. What do you call someone who identifies a disease by reading about symptoms on Google?
    Google Doc.
  10. What will Tesla name their electric lawnmower?
  11. Why did Walt Disney visit a mechanic?
    He wanted to get his Car tuned.
  12. Why was the Pepsi employee fired?
    He tested positive for coke.
  13. Apparently, Pfizer is now selling a pill that treats skepticism.
    But I'm not buying it.
  14. Canon to release a new camera.
    Sadly it can't focus.
  15. If Netflix ran the world, a year would only be 6 months.
    Because it would end after 2 seasons.
  16. What sound does a Nintendo police car make?
    Wii-U Wii-U Wii-U.
  17. Why did the Oreo cookie go to the dentist?
    Because he lost his filling.
  18. My buddy just lost his job at a cinema that only shows Pixar films.
    He forgot to show Up.
  19. My old school was sponsored by IKEA.
    Assembly took ages.
  20. You better start brushing your teeth, son!
    Oral-B very mad!

10. Funny office jokes - Mixed bag

We thought we would end your humor trip with the previous list but guess what? We reworked on our plan! And here you have another set of jokes, the extras only because we wanted to give you a little longer time to relax. Read on to chuckle on.

  1. Why was the computer late to work?
    Because it had a hard drive.
  2. My boss told me to have a good day.
    So I went home.
  3. Why are one on ones ineffective?
    Because no matter how many times yo do it, the net result of 1x1 is still 1!
  4. Why was the computer cold at work?
    It left its Windows open.
  5. My pet turtle wants to be an attorney.
    He specialises in tort law.
  6. I've started a business building yachts in my attic.
    Sails are going through the roof!
  7. Why did the computer sneeze?
    It had a virus.
  8. Did you hear about the kid who started a business tying shoelaces on the playground?
    It was a knot-for-profit.
  9. What would Spider-Man and Wonder Woman name their business?
    Amazon Web Services.
  10. Boss: You're 4 hours late! What's the matter?
    Employee: I fell from the 2nd floor this morning.
    Boss: That's 20 feet tall! It shouldn't take you more than 5 seconds!
  11. Why did the banker switch careers?
    Because he lost interest!
  12. Did you hear about the ruler factory that went out of business?
    They just couldn’t measure up to the competition.
  13. Why did the headless horseman go into business?
    He wanted to get ahead in life.
  14. How does NASA organize a party?
    They planet.
  15. What is an alien's favorite place on a computer?
    The space bar.
  16. Why did the employee bring a shovel to work?
    Because they heard it was a great way to dig through all the paperwork!
  17. How many computer programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
    None, that's a hardware issue.
  18. My laptop was making funny noises today, it sounded like it was singing.
    Probably because it's a Dell.
  19. Boss: This is the third time you've been late for work this week. Do you know what that means?
    Me: That it's only Wednesday.
  20. While driving to work, robbers jumped into my car and stole everything.
    They were pirates of the car I be in.


A chuckle or a break in monotony is what you can achieve from our list of 200 jokes to share with your co-workers. Crack them during your coffee breaks or read them together when run down with work. If you are an HR, you can even use them to ease everyone in at the beginning of your team building activities.

So, go ahead and have fun while trusting Sup Bot to take care of all your non-fun activities—meetings and team management. Join the thousands who are leaving their worries to us today!

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