October 17, 2024

15 out of office email templates and examples

Sup Bot Team

An out of office email is an autoresponder email that lets your contacts know that you are unavailable for a period of time and will not be able to respond to emails. It informs them of when you will be able to respond and provides them with resources to contact when matters are urgent. Essentially, it keeps the communication flowing in your absence.

The components of an out-of-office email typically include greetings, the message, the reason, dates of your absence from work, alternate contact details, and any other helpful information.

To help you with a general understanding of the structure, we are listing below the OOO email samples for 15 common reasons for absence.

1. Out of office email template for when you are on sick leave

Say you are on sick leave and unable to respond to email at the moment. Here is a sample you can use to craft an OOO email:

Hi, It seems that you have contacted me when I am unable to lift my finger to respond to your email. I will be able to reply to your email on date when I join back. If you require immediate assistance, please contact Name at Email ID, who will be happy to respond to you in my absence. Wish me a speedy recovery. Thank you.

2. Out of office email template for when you are on vacation leave

Medicines? Check. Flight tickets? Check. Wallet? Check. OOO Email? Oh, no! If this is you, then you are one of us. But worry not, because we have here a sample ready that you can work around to write an out-of-office email, just as we did!

Hey there, I have received your email, but it is the exquisite Taj Mahal that has my attention right now. I plan to be surrounded by the beautiful culture around until date. I will send you postcards if you can wait to hear my travel stories when I reply to your email, or you can contact Email ID. Warm regards, Your Name

3. Out of office email template for when you are on maternity leave

When there are so many things running through your mind about welcoming your little one to the world, an OOO email is the last thing you will think of. This is why we have crafted for you an out of office email sample that you can quickly modify.

Hello there, Thank you for your email. I am currently responding only to the whims and orders of my child, and therefore my plate is full. I will shift gears from baby duty to corporate duty on date so if it’s not urgent, I’ll get to your message when I return. In the meantime, if you require any urgent help, Name at Email ID is your person. We’ll talk soon! Best, Your Name

4. Out of office email template for when you are on paternity leave

When the newest member of the family has finally arrived and it is your call of duty at home, everything takes a backseat. Even the thought of writing an out of office email might. But we have you covered! Use the OOO email sample below to get your OOO message ready in a minute.

Hey. Thanks for your email. I will get back to you once I have managed to escape the adorable but mighty grip of the newest member of my family. I will rejoin work on date. If you think you can’t wait until then, please contact Name at Email ID. They will be happy to help. Thank you for your understanding. Best, Your Name

5. Out of office email template for when you are at an appointment

For times when you have an appointment with your doctor and you have to take half a day off, the rush to reach the clinic and return to the office on time can cause you to write an OOO email that is hurried and missing the details. For such occasions, simply use the OOO email sample below to craft a message that is ready in no time.

Hello, I am at the moment waiting for my turn in the waiting room at the doctor’s clinic. I should be at the office by time. I will respond to your email as soon as I am back. If you need urgent help while I am away, please reach out to Name at Email ID. Thank you for your patience, Your Name

6. Out of office email template for when you are on a business trip

Business trips can have you scrambling to pack, finalize presentations, and juggle last-minute tasks. Amid all the chaos, the last thing you want to worry about is crafting a perfect OOO email. Don’t let your OOO message be another thing you scramble to put together. Use the out of office email sample below to create an OOO email that is just right.

Hi, I am currently out of the office busy looking and acting all corporate. I will have limited email access. I will get back to you as soon as I join back on date. Until then, if you have something that is a pressing matter, please contact Name at Email ID. Will catch up soon, Your Name

7. Out of office email template for when you are on sabbatical

When you are going off on a sabbatical for a long period, you must keep your team members informed of when you will be back. Despite the information, if someone happens to drop you an email, you must write an OOO email that lets them know when you are off work and who to contact in your absence. Here’s an OOO sample you can use for the same.

Hi sender, I am currently on a long escape from work to check out a few things on my bucket list. Therefore, I will not be able to respond to your emails for a while. I will be back in action on date. If your requirement demands urgency, please reach out to Name at Email ID. Catch up soon! Your Name

8. Out of office email template for when you are on public holidays

Public holidays are when you are off work, and everyone knows that. But your clients may want to contact you in your leisure time for some information or if they happen to be in a timezone different than you. Despite the annoyance, we must keep communication abreast with a good OOO email. Check out the out-of-office email sample below.

Hi there, It is a public holiday here in my timezone from date to date, and I am currently busy squeezing every possible thing I wanted to do in my leisure, in these few days. I will respond to your email once I return to work. Thank you for your patience. Kind regards, Your Name

9. Out of office email template for when you are on emergency leave

An emergency leave is one situation where it can get really difficult to put in the right words you want to say to your contacts in your OOO email. So, what do we do? We make use of an out-of-office email sample! Here you go.

Hey there, I am currently out of office on emergency leave, attending to something urgent back home. I will be back on date and will respond to your message as soon as I can. In the meantime, if you have something that needs immediate attention, please reach out to Name at Email ID. Thank you for your understanding. Best, Your Name

10. Out of office email template for when you are on wedding leave

Weddings mean coming together with your close friends and family over good food and loud cheers. Do not let the happy moments lived turn into stressful ones by worrying about work piling up in your absence. Ensure your contacts are informed with the perfect OOO email. Here’s a sample.

Hey there, I will not be able to respond to your emails from date to date because I am out of office on wedding leave. I promise to get back to you once I return to work. For any pressing concerns, please contact my best man, Name, at Email ID. Send me good wishes. Best, Your Name

11. Out of office email template for when you are on bereavement leave

Death of loved ones is a tough time when there is so much on our minds that we hardly have it in us to sit with our devices, let alone type out an OOO email on it. So, we thought of including an OOO email sample to help you with something in those difficult times.

Hi, I am currently on bereavement leave from date to date. I cannot respond to your emails for the said period. If your concern can’t wait, please reach out to Name at Email ID. Thank you for your support. Kind regards, Your Name

12. Out of office email template for when you are attending a conference

Preparations for a conference can leave you gasping for breath with the numerous tasks and travel plans. When you are so pressed for time, an OOO email sample is just what you need to get your teams informed of your absence and the right person to reach out to.

Hello, Thank you for your email. I am currently busy running through the endless lines I have to talk about at a conference and therefore will not be able to read the lines you have typed out in your email. I will have limited email access, so please excuse me from date to date. I promise to get back to you upon my return. If your message is urgent, please contact Name at Email ID. Best regards, Your Name

13. Out of office email template for when you are on off-site meeting

When you are at an off-site meeting, it can be difficult for both your internal team members and external contacts to reach you for information and help. Leave them an appropriate OOO email that guides them to someone with the required resources. Check out this out of office email sample.

Dear sender, Thank you for your email. I am at an off-site meeting from date to date and thus have limited email access. Your message is important to me, and I will respond to you as soon as I return. For urgent concerns, please contact Name at Email ID. Best regards, Your Name

14. Out of office email template for when you are on a weather-related absence (flood, storms, snow, etc.)

Weather-related absences must have an OOO email rolled out for your contacts at the earliest. Because of the unpredictable weather and thus unpredictable internet connection, you must send out an OOO email ASAP to help your contacts with the right source of assistance.

Hi there, You seem to have reached me when I have limited access to my email because of connection issues, all thanks to the current weather. I am OOO from date to date, busy with putting the pieces of this large puzzle together with my family. I will contact you as soon as I join back. If you need assistance before I return, please reach out to Name at Email ID. Best, Your Name

15. Out of office email template for when you are on quarantine leave

When you are on quarantine leave for an extended period, chances are there are a lot of things that will need to be redirected to someone else. So, it is important that you put out an OOO email for everyone’s convenience. Here is a sample for you to check out.

Hi, I am out of office from date to date on quarantine leave. I will get back to you once the days of me looking at the walls of my room finally end. For anything that can't wait until then, please reach out to Name at Email ID. Regards, Your Name

Free OOO Email Generator.

It is possible that the out-of-office email samples listed above may not match your personality. After all, no OOO email template can be one size fits all. To generate a customized out-of-office email for leaves that match your mood and preferences, head over to the free OOO email generator from Sup Bot. Regenerate as many times as you want to get the perfect OOO email for free in a jiffy!

Frequently asked questions

1. What are out-of-office replies?

Out-of-office replies are automated email responses sent when you're away from work and unable to respond to emails. These replies inform the sender that you're unavailable, provide the dates of your absence, and often suggest an alternate contact for urgent matters. OOO replies can be used for sick leaves, vacations, business trips, and other periods of absence. They ensure that communication continues smoothly and that people know when to expect a response from you.

2. What to write on an out-of-office email?

In an out-of-office email, start with a greeting. Next, write the message stating the reason for absence. Proceed to let your contacts know until which date you are unavailable and if you are partially available by email. Next, share contact details that your contacts can reach out to for matters that need immediate attention. To assist them better, add any other helpful information that you think will benefit them.

3. What is the best out-of-office template?

The best out-of-office template is one that is clear and to the point. A well-crafted OOO email lets your contacts know you are unavailable, when they can expect a response, and who to contact in case of urgent matters. It should also be tailored to the situation—whether for an emergency leave, vacation, or a business trip. Depending on your company culture, you can also add a touch of your personality to it. The OOO email generator by Sup Bot considers all of this to give you the perfect OOO email for free.

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